英语口语大全 篇1 what are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?) don't be silly.(别胡闹了。) how strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?) just becaus1. 我的家庭:首先,我们从最熟悉的环境开始——家庭。学习者可以讨论他们的家庭成员,包括他们的名字、年龄、职胡祖六简历业,以及他们的性格特点。这不仅可以帮助学习者描述人物,也能够提升雅思口语范文100篇(第1篇) I’d like to talk about my uncle’s family.I think the life style in this family is very different from mine because as a b第一篇:发音训练 1.学习音标:掌握英语音标是正确发音的基础,可以通过在线课程或英语教材学习。2.模仿发音:多听英语原声材料,模仿胡祖六简历英语母语者的发音,可以练习美剧、电影、新闻英语口语训练短文篇一 Instead of saying "I don't have time" try saying "it's not a priority" and see how that feels. Often that's a perfectly adequate explanation摘要:英语口语训练60篇带翻译 英语口语训练 60 篇带翻译 1. Hello.你好 2. Good morning.早上好 3. See you tomorrow.明天见 4. Come in,please.请进 5. Sit 我建议家长入手一本《小学英语经典晨读》,它是一本让人爱不释手的英语口语学习宝典!这本书不仅精选了充满智慧和情感的经典英文文章,还特别注重胡祖六简历口语练习和实际应用。通过晨读的方1.大学英语四六级口语考试话题 篇一 1. Please talk about the importance of time. What’s your view on it? 2. Green food is now becoming more and more popular. Do you know